Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Possibilities of revert to old Nokia.

It's pointless to saying these kind of things now. But I will just write it for record. So I will just write some steps only, not details.

Let people make aware of Nokia was back.

Workers in the company sue Board-of-directors and Stephen Elop and others who intentionally plan to sell Nokia (with bargain price, more specifically a penny).

Workers didn't plan to join Microsoft, they were joined for Nokia which means include Symbian.

Actually, it wasn't important step but this can make people to aware about the Nokia.

Other stunt which related to next step, is Nokia should trying to buy HTC.

I will explain why.

Nokia should make Symbian handset. But not only that.

Nokia should make devices for Symbian and Meego again. And Android, too.

But that's not all. Even make Windows phone. Why not?

HTC doing that. Samsung doing that. LG doing that. So why not?

And Symbian and Meego is open source and open platform(I know there has some issues but still..) and Android is open source and open platform.

So what's the problem with make all the open platform, right?

And one good thing is that Stephen Elop made Nokia to OEM Nokia manufacturer–This is why Microsoft can buy Nokia for a penny. You can read details here: Conspiracy is just conspiracy. Are you sure? @ September 6, 2019

So Nokia has really advantage for this step.

Nokia already became OEM manufacturer so why not buy other similar company like HTC, right?

And if Nokia tries to buy HTC, people will aware that Nokia is back.

Of course, meanwhile Nokia should support Symbian and Meego to grow.

Symbian and Meego are open platform so they should open for other handset maker.

Symbian did that last time but Nokia was dominated whole Symbian market so Symbian doesn't need other handset maker.

Now it changed everything. So this is the time that Symbian and Meego can go their own and open the platform to all the handset maker.

Whether you believe it or not. Symbian(and Meego) still has their own strength.

I wrote this article about three years ago. And I've played with newer version of Android.

And it reminds me that I can't use Android phone as my primary phone after two years of upgraded Android OS. Because what I've mention in the article.

My phone is Nokia N8 and I didn't upgrad it to Belle which is newer version OS because I am satisfying with not-so-newer-OS.

You can read it here: Nokia could do far better with their customer. (Part 1 of ..) @ February 12, 2011

This is a good thing to customers, too. Because people can have variety of choices for open platform.

Diversity is a good thing in human society. That's what I believe.

I know…

there has so many issues and it's too late.

I can see Android platform has huge potential but interesting thing is Symbian and Meego, too.

Because I believe majority of people can't be a geek. And even if it did, it doesn't matter because people don't want to wasting time playing with the phone.

P.S. Nokia released Android phone with Lumia 520 hardware.

The new Nokia X family – Your Fastlane to Android™ apps http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pdTuFWbcNI

This is Nokia X: Android and Windows Phone collide http://www.theverge.com/2014/2/24/5440498/nokia-x-android-phone-hands-on By Tom Warren on February 24, 2014
- wrote at February 24, 2014 at 8:44 pm

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