Tuesday, November 25, 2014

This is why Wikidpad has so much potential in it.

WikidPad - wiki notebook for Windows/Linux/Mac OS http://wikidpad.sourceforge.net/

wikidPad is a Wiki-like notebook for storing your thoughts, ideas, todo lists, contacts, or anything else you can think of to write down.

What makes wikidPad different from other notepad applications is the ease with which you can cross-link your information. Links in a wiki are created by typing in WikiWords.

Donationcoder forum's user CWuestefeld explained about Wikidpad http://www.donationcoder.com/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=1kppjej0pqm1ov2flckeqqjan2&topic=12062.msg99469#msg99469 @ January 31, 2008

I would suggest to read from the link.

These are the quotes from CWuestefeld:
"... its parent. But a wiki allows any node (page) that relates to another to offer a link to it, leading eventually to a very densely packed structure."

"if you're consistent about the way you name things in a wiki, you'll find that the interconnectedness arises all on its own. You don't need to intentionally create a link; the link manifests itself based on the usage of similar terms."

"It's very gratifying when working in a wiki to discover that you've already done something that you forgot about. As you're describing a related concept leading up to another page, you find that the link is already populated; simply by thinking descriptively and consistently, you've created a knowledge web that not only holds together, but reinforces itself."

When I read about it, I also understand why wikipedia made whole different internet-era.

It's an idea that matters most. Isn't it?

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