It isn't end there because it can do 50x zoom which isn't optical zoom though.
You can easily find article like this:
or you can see super zoom in action from youtube video:
Huawei P30 Pro's 50X SuperZoom in Action! @ March 27, 2019
And then suddenly the US president Trump and his administration added Huawei to the entity list which means any U.S company is not allow to do business with Huawei. More simple term is "Huawei ban".
So I didn't have time to know more about Huawei P30 and P30 Pro.
And I just found this youtube video:
The Huawei P30 Pro Is The Low Light Camera King And It's Not Close by ben's gadget reviews.
P30 Pro can take photo in the pitch black--dark sight.
I took screenshot from the video:
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Screenshot of youtuber ben's gadget reviews' P30 Pro pitch black dark shot. |
As you can see, it was very dark alley. And P30 Pro can take a photo like that.
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Screenshot of youtuber ben's gadget reviews' P30 Pro pitch black dark shot. |
Here is the comparison shot--P30 Pro vs iPhone XS vs Galaxy S10 vs V40.
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Screenshot of youtuber ben's gadget reviews' P30 Pro pitch black dark shot. |
Same comparison shot but different location-indoor pitch black shot.
As you can see, P30 Pro made whole new concept of nighttime photography--with just smartphone.
I would say P30 Pro blows competition--Google's night sight, out of the water.
And I'd like to name the P30 Pro's night mode as 'dark sight'.
Here is interesting comments that I'd like to share:
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Screenshot of youtuber ben's gadget reviews' P30 Pro pitch black dark shot video's comments. |
jim kuan commented:
If Apple were to do this, they will make a huge deal out of it. They will have convention style announcement and give it names like "Quantum Retina Night" technology of the future. And Huawei just puts it in their phones and says, "oh, by the way, we got a camera that can shoot in dark."
Anyway, when I saw that video, I tweeted about it like this:
I know @Huawei #P20Pro #nightmode can beat the #Pixel3XL which most of people believe best #lowlight in @Android #smartphone.— Seong pill kon (@ungeekiness) June 5, 2019
Now #P30Pro changed whole concept of #nightmode-it's #darksight
The Huawei P30 Pro Is The Low Light Camera King And It's Not Close
You probably need more evidence. So I will put some more articles.
Huawei's P30 Pro has the best low-light camera, better even than Google’s Pixel Night Sight, and it sets a new benchmark for night photography.quoted from Huawei's P30 Pro raises the bar for low-light photography @ April 1, 2019 by Vlad Savov
Very low light: No contestquoted from Huawei P30 Pro vs Pixel 3 XL: The ultimate low-light camera comparison @ April 2, 2019
The P30 Pros ability to shoot in the dark is downright amazing. In fact, the darker it gets, the more stunning the results compared to any other smartphone out there.
Below one is the good example. Author tried to do the blind test but he couldn't...
Huawei ruined our comparisonquoted from Huawei P30 Pro ruined our night camera blind test @ April 24, 2019 by Luca Zaninello
The initial idea behind this article was to take the best smartphones available on the market in terms of photographic capabilities, take pictures in dimly lit environments or at night, and then have you vote to choose the best shot. However, Huawei managed to ruin the comparison: P30 Pro in most scenes is unbeatable and too easily recognizable.
Huawei sets new standards in mobile photography with P20 Pro--and P30 Pro, too.
Many people think that Google Pixel 3 XL's night sight is game changer. But Huawei P20 Pro and Mate 20 Pro actually beat the Pixel 3 XL include night sight--which not many people know.
Here is the some of things you probably didn't know because people in your country don't use Chinese smartphone.
Marvelous! Huawei sets new standards in mobile photography with the Leica Triple Camera, and....quoted from Reviews - Huawei P20 Pro Smartphone Review @ April 20, 2018 by Daniel Schmidt
Overall, the P20 Pro offers the most comprehensive and flexible package, with the best image quality in terms of our comparison devices.....
The big advantage for the P20 Pro is its Leica Triple Camera, which blows the Mate 10 Pro and the competition out of the water.....
Huawei has set new standards for mobile photography with its Leica Triple Camera. The P20 Pro is the device against which all other smartphone cameras will now be compared.
I don't really bother to checking out DXOmark score because DSLR cameras and lenses weren't that reliable source to get to know the DSLR camera and lens.
But smartphone was quite simpler than DSLR or mirrorless camera. Because photographer's diversity of photographing chances and styles with variety combination of DSLR camera and lenses makes hard to justify the DXOmark score.
When the Huawei P20 Pro was reviewed, there has no match to any other smartphone.
You can read more details in the review.
Conclusion: Game changerquoted from Huawei P20 Pro camera review: Innovative technologies, outstanding results @ March 27, 2018 by Lars Rehm
We are used to every new smartphone camera generation being slightly better than the previous one, but looking at the images and test results from the P20 Pro, it seems Huawei has skipped one or two generations. The results are simply that good. The P20 Pro’s triple camera setup is the biggest innovation we have seen in mobile imaging for quite some time and is a real game changer.
You can find similar talking like this about people in your country don't use Huawei smartphone:
A majorly disappointing aspect of this entire test is just how unlikely it is for the US is ever to see a Huawei-made handset.quoted from Pixel 3 Night Sight vs Mate 20 Pro Night Mode - 9to5Google @ December 3, 2018 by Damien Wilde
I will just quote some:
There isn't tons of detail but from what we had to work with initially, I think that Huawei seems to handle lighting a little better than the Pixel in my experience with both smartphones.....
Instantly with the Pixel and Night Sight, we see a greater level of detail, but it feels a little whitewashed overall.
As you can read this 'a little whitewashed overall', right?
The Pixel's eagerness to whiten up images in Night Sight is....quoted from Night mode ON: Pixel 3 vs. Mate 20 Pro : Night Sight vs. Night mode @ November 23, 2018 by GSMArena team
The Pixel tends to whiten up warmly lit scenes, which we feel does rob them of their ambience.... will handle incandescent lights better and preserve the vibe of the scene.
You can read last part--"preserve the vibe of the scene".
Is this the reason why people trying to take photo of?
If you are familiar with computer, you will know the term wysiwyg--what you see is what you get. Whitening the scene wasn't that great way, right?
I'm not just making this up.
Here is the comment from Pixel 3 Night Sight vs Mate 20 Pro Night Mode - 9to5Google @ December 3, 2018
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Screenshot of comments from Pixel 3 Night Sight vs Mate 20 Pro Night Mode - 9to5Google. |
Skipper commented:
I use a Pixel 3, but one of its problems is photos look fake. Don't get me wrong, I love tinkering with instagram's filters, but come on, if you compare 3's photos with the 20pro, it's pretty obvious that 20pro is more realistic with 3 physical cameras capturing a "wider" aperture look, while Pixel's digital light enhancement is just that, "digitally enhanced", which mean "fake" look by tuning up highlights and shadows.
SF Media commented:
both are amazing..but the pixel is too bright for a night.
Anyway, Pixel 3's night sight probably improved a lot and Pixel 4 which wasn't come out yet, might be better.
But Huawei P30 Pro again made whole new concept of nighttime photography--with smartphone. And super-zoom, too.
Game changer phones which not many countries were available to buy. Because the U.S president Trump and his administration trying to destroying one private company--Huawei.
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